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How to Tuesday: How to Develop a Social Media Content Calendar for Your Education Business

Published Stephanie Clark on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 9:00 AM

How to Tuesday: How to Develop a Social Media Content Calendar for Your Education Business

A strategic social media presence is essential for attracting prospective international students and maintaining engagement with your current audience. But with so many important dates, events, and deadlines to remember, it can be challenging to keep on top of consistent content sharing. This is where a well-planned social media content calendar comes into play. Here are some key tips for developing yours.

Align with the academic calendar

The academic calendar should act as the backbone of your social media content strategy. Start by mapping out key dates, such as the start and end of semesters and courses, application deadlines, and new student induction days. These events are opportunities to share valuable information, showcase campus or school life, and engage with students and their families.

Incorporate industry events and trends

Stay ahead of the curve by incorporating relevant industry events and trends into your content calendar. Look out for upcoming international education conferences, webinars, and fairs, and slot them into your social media calendar to share updates and insights around these events. And remember to keep an eye on emerging trends and hot topics within the industry so you can join the conversation with insightful content across your various social media channels

Diversify content formats

To keep your audience engaged, diversify your content formats. In addition to written posts, consider incorporating visually appealing elements such as videos, infographics, and student spotlights. User-generated content is also a great way for your students to share their experiences, for example, through social media takeovers or guest posts. This variety will not only make your content more dynamic, but provide a well-rounded representation of your institution.

This proactive approach to your social media strategy will enable you to streamline your content creation process and build a strong online community. But if you simply don’t have the time to invest in this right now, Schools & Agents can guide you! Get in touch today for more information.

Written by Stephanie Clark

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